Sammy Lawrence is a animated character from the game Bendy and the ink machine.
He is the director of the music department for Joey Drew Studios. He wrote the old songs for the Bendy cartons back in the 1940. Sammy is shown to be a frustrated song writer. With the installation of the numerous leaking pipes to his department, the ink pumps and all of the constant workers entering his offices when writing music for the Bendy cartoons, Sammy is irritated with Joey Drew's project when it keeps setting him back in his work. The only person he has kind words to say about is Susie Campbell, the former voice actress of Alice Angel. she was the original voice as joey had her replaced making Sammy more angry. It can be inferred from the voice recordings that he found it hard to focus on his work when there were distractions present, which was likely the reason he needed a "sanctuary". some time before the events of the game he was corrupted by the ink machine and became obsessed with ink bendy, saying that bendy will free him, and claiming himself ink bendy’s profit. When your character returns, Sammy hits you over the back of your head, ties you up and tries to sacrifice you to his savoir ink Bendy. But bendy had other plans and takes Sammy instead. Then you must then run from escape bendy.